Google’s AI Overview goes haywire

READ TIME - 1 min 08 seconds

Hello and welcome to the Automated, your AI tour guide.

Google’s newly released AI Overview has set social media on fire with its very bizarre answers to queries!

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • 😱 Google’s AI Overview goes haywire!

  • 🤑 A paid version of Meta’s AI assistant is on the way!

  • 🖼️ How to edit images with ChatGPT.

  • 👍 Improve your content quality at scale with Al.

  • 🤖 ChatGPT Prompt Of The Day: Write a grant proposal.

😱 Google’s AI Overview Goes Haywire!

Google's new AI Overview product has been the talk of the town since its release, but not for the right reasons.

Users are sharing examples of the product giving weird suggestions, like telling them to put glue on pizza or to eat rocks.

And all of this is happening despite testing it for a year and handling over a billion queries in that time!

So, what on earth went wrong? 🤷‍♀️

Google is dealing with the situation by manually disabling AI Overviews for certain queries, which explains why so many of them vanished from social networks shortly after being posted.

Let's hope they can iron out the kinks soon because the AI Overviews feature as it exists today is just a tiny slice of what the company announced last week.

They have some big plans for it; you can read about it here.

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 🤑 A Paid Version of Meta’s AI Assistant is on the Way!

Meta is reportedly working on a new paid version of their AI assistant, Meta AI.

Now, we know no one likes to hear the word "fees," but before you panic, there’s a good chance that Meta will leave a free version open to all, like OpenAI.

However, you may not enjoy all the special features, which is where the subscription comes in handy.

No one knows how much this premium version will cost yet, but judging from the subscription fees of other services like OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google, which is $20 monthly, we think Meta's fee should be around the same.🤞

And that’s not all Meta has in store for you!

They’re also developing AI agents that can complete tasks like browsing the web, writing articles, and more without human help.

To learn more click here!

🧱 Around The AI Block

  • Chatsonic: The best ChatGPT alternative, offering the fastest and most accurate real-time web search.

  • SlidesAI: Creates presentation slides with AI in seconds.

  • aiXcoder: This is an intelligent programming robot.

  • Create logos, videos, banners, and mockups with A.I. in 2 minutes.

  • Copyleaks: An AI-based text analysis to help create and protect original content.

🤖 ChatGPT Prompt Of The Day: Write a grant proposal.

Crafting a well-written grant proposal demonstrates professionalism and seriousness about your project or cause.

It shows potential funders that you have thoroughly considered your goals, methods, and potential outcomes.

Here's a prompt that can help you with that.

Imagine that you’re working for an organization <include your organization name, mission, goals, and project needs>. Your task is to write a clear, concise, and persuasive proposal for grant funding. Ensure your proposal highlights your organization’s mission, goals, and project needs and how they align with the following grant program’s objectives: <details of the grant programs objectives>.

We've Compiled a List of Over 100 ChatGPT Power Prompts.

This should help streamline your interactions with ChatGPT and get the results you need more efficiently.

Best of all, It's free! Click here to get it now.

That's all we've got for you today.

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