Why Google’s AI Overview went haywire

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Hello and welcome to the Automated, your AI tour guide.

Google’s AI overview feature has had quite the bumpy rollout with all its AI errors, but here’s what went wrong — according to them!

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • 🗣️ Why Google’s AI Overview went haywire!

  • 🤩 OpenAI Offers Schools and Nonprofits a Sweet Deal!

  • 🖥️ How to get ChatGPT to browse the web for free.

  • 🔒 7 top tactics to protect your content from ChatGPT.

  • 🤖 ChatGPT Prompt Of The Day: Help with Decision Making

🗣️ Why Google’s AI Overview went Haywire!

Last week, we told you about Google’s AI Overview that suggested weird things, like using glue on pizza or eating rocks.

Google is finally telling us what went wrong!

The Company’s head of search, Liz Reid, explained in a blog post that "data voids" and odd user queries are to blame.

Picture this: if you ask Google an odd question like “How many rocks should I eat?”, there isn't much high-quality web content because it's not a commonly asked question.

But if there is satirical content on the topic, which in this case, there was on a geological software provider’s website. Then guess what?

An AI Overview will pop up linked to one of the only websites that answers the question!

P.S. — Google says that before these screenshots went viral, practically no one asked Google that question. You can see that yourself on Google Trends.

But dont worry about it happening again!

Google is fixing AI Overviews by limiting when they appear for “nonsensical” queries and satire.

Oh, and Reid also pointed out that many of the screenshots of AI errors that circulated online are fake!

Read more about this here.

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 🤩 OpenAI Offers Schools and Nonprofits a Sweet Deal!

OpenAI is rolling out a new version of ChatGPT called “ChatGPT Edu” that is specially for universities!

It will allow universities to “responsibly deploy AI to students, faculty, researchers, and campus operations.”

For example, universities can use the new version to review student resumes, write grant applications, and even assist professors with grading—all at a really affordable rate.

And the best part?

It's built on OpenAI’s faster GPT-4o model, which means better performance across text, vision, and audio.

Plus, it offers enterprise-level security and guarantees that your data won’t be used to train OpenAI’s models.

OpenAI has something for Nonprofits, too!

There is now “OpenAI for Nonprofits”, which gives nonprofit organizations access to ChatGPT Team at a cheaper rate of $20 per month per user.

And if you’re a larger nonprofit that needs more capabilities and security, you can also contact OpenAI for a 50 percent discount on ChatGPT Enterprise.

Click here to find out more info!

🧱 Around The AI Block

  • Eve coach: Your AI partner in managing work-related stress.

  • StoryChief: An all-in-one marketing platform to analyze, plan, collaborate, and publish content fast.

  • PixVerse: Create breathtaking videos with AI.

  • Fontjoy: Discover the perfect font combinations by effortlessly mixing and matching different fonts for stunning results.

  • Consistent Character Model: Create consistent and realistic images of a character in various poses.

🤖 ChatGPT Prompt Of The Day: Help with Decision Making.

Decision-making can be stressful, especially when the stakes are high.

Getting help with decision-making can help identify potential risks and pitfalls that you may not have considered.

Here's a prompt that can help you with that.

I am trying to make a decision. I am a [Insert context about yourself]. I am trying to [Insert decision here]. Give me a list of pro’s and con’s that will help me decide why I should or shouldn’t make this decision.

We've Compiled a List of Over 100 ChatGPT Power Prompts.

This should help streamline your interactions with ChatGPT and get the results you need more efficiently.

Best of all, It's free! Click here to get it now.

That's all we've got for you today.

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